Spirit Light
"Let nothing dim the light from within"
Maya Angelou
Life Coaching Sessions
Spiritual Counseling
Shamanic Life Coaching
Life Coaching offers support and guidance on your path! What are your goals and direction you are creating in your life? Where do you want to go from here? What is keeping you from manifesting your life purpose, prosperity, abundance, and joy? We look at these areas and come up with solutions, an action plan and guidance on how to get where you want to go! Soul searching is a key to find out what your Higher Self is guiding you towards and how to reach for your goals and dreams! Shamanic Counseling begins with a ceremony to connect with Source, earth mother, and spiritual allies. Journeywork, Animal Spirits, shamanic tools help to focus you on what is most important to address and where healing can take place to call in your highest good! Sessions can include shamanic art, vision questing, releasing energy, cord cutting & soul retrieval.